5 Steps to Get Past Writer's Block When Working on Your Family History

Writer's block is a common problem for writers, and it can be frustrating when it happens.

I know, it happens to me quite frequently, but there are a few things I do to overcome it when I'm writing.

Here are my five tips that can help you too!


  1. Take a Break from Writing and do...

50 Affirmations for the Family Historian to Help You Research, Write or Publish Your Family History

Affirmations can be a helpful tool for reinforcing positive beliefs and attitudes, which can in turn help to increase motivation and confidence.

  • When you repeat them to yourself, you are reinforcing the message that you are capable and deserving of achieving your goals.
  • This can...
100 Adjectives that Evoke Emotion in a Memoir

Memoirs are a powerful way to share personal stories and experiences with the world.

They allow us to reflect on the past, learn from our family's mistakes and those of our own, and celebrate our triumphs.

In this list, I've compiled 100 adjectives that can help evoke emotion and...

20 Reasons to Get Over Doubt, Fear, and Uncertainty When Writing your Family History
Writing your family history can be a rewarding and enriching experience, but it can also be intimidating and seem like a monumental task.

It's natural to feel doubt, fear, or uncertainty when embarking on this journey, but there are many good reasons to push past these feelings and...

100+ Christmas Present Ideas for Your Favorite Family Historian

It's Christmas Time!

My favorite time of the year.

Do you have a family historian in the family and wondering what to get for him or her?

I have lots of ideas!! ...over 100 of them to be exact. 

Family Historians Love to be Appreciated

There are several reasons...

8 Tips for Writing Your Family History Memoir Today

Have you ever thought about writing your family history but didn't know where to start?

You're not alone.

It's a daunting task, but also a very rewarding one!

I've written two family memoirs and seeing my family's stories in print form is the most rewarding feeling I"ve ever experienced.


How to Use Mel Robbins' 5,4,3,2,1 Strategy to Write Your Family Memoir Faster

It can be tough to find time to write your family memoir.

  • You may have a full-time job, young children, or other responsibilities that keep you from sitting down and writing for extended periods of time.
  • And when you do have a free moment, it can be hard to get started.
  • I understand.

It took me...

Write Your Family Memoir Faster Using the Pomodoro Technique

Are you interested in writing faster?

The Pomodoro technique can help you to write your memoir faster by breaking down the writing process into manageable chunks.

  • This technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s and has since been used by writers all over the world to increase...